maaf, aku bisanya cuma minta, ngambek, marah, nangis, putus asa,
dan mengecewakan.
maaf banget ma, pa. :(
maaf banget ma, pa. :(
dan sebelum kamu benar.benar.benar pergi, bisa minta tolong sekaliiii lagi.. ?
bisa kan ?
tolong, setidaknya kasih tau aku harus gimana sekarang ?
pliis ya ? ditunggu secepatnya. terimakasih banyak. *wipe tears
di sini ku menggenggam takdir di tanganku
aku coba menahan tak menangisimu
di bait pertama
aku coba menahan tak menangisimu
di bait pertama
di bait pertama
sekuat kaki ini mencoba berlari
tetapi hati ini menuntunnya kembali
ke bait pertama
sekuat kaki ini mencoba berlari
tetapi hati ini menuntunnya kembali
ke bait pertama
di bait pertama
berjalan hidupku tanpamu
hidupku tanpamu
berjalan hidupku tanpamu
hidupku tanpamu
di bait pertama
berjalan hidupku tanpamu, hidupku tanpamu
bertahan karna menantimu, untuk menantimu di bait pertama
di sini ku menggenggam takdir di tanganku
aku coba menahan tak menangisimu
di sini ku menggenggam takdir di tanganku
aku coba menahan tak menangisimu
berjalan hidupku tanpamu, hidupku tanpamu
bertahan karna menantimu, untuk menantimu di bait pertama
di sini ku menggenggam takdir di tanganku
aku coba menahan tak menangisimu
di sini ku menggenggam takdir di tanganku
aku coba menahan tak menangisimu
merinding ndenger lagu ini. asal kamu tau ya, bukannya gamau jujur, tapi aku takut kehilangan (lagi). beneran takut. jadi biar saja seperti ini. :)
apa harus mirip supaya cocok ?
apa harus satu keyakinan supaya cocok ?
apa harus sepemikiran supaya cocok ?
apa harus satu keyakinan supaya cocok ?
apa harus sepemikiran supaya cocok ?
apa harus punya banyak kesamaan supaya cocok ?
apa harus suka hal yang sama supaya cocok ?
kalau semua jawabannya IYA,
berarti kita TIDAK cocok..
berarti kita TIDAK cocok..
“bip… bip… bip… bip…”. Ada sebuah panggilan masuk. Dia buru-buru mengangkatnya.
“Aku akan membunuhmu.” kata suara di seberang.
“Halo, ini siapa?” dia mulai gugup.
“Aku akan membunuhmu.”
“Halo, ini siapa?” tubuhnya gemetar.
“Ini rindu.”
from here
pernah berpikir kalau cinta itu jahat ?
ia meremukkan hatimu hingga hancur berkeping
ia menusukmu dari belakang dengan perlahan dan dalam
bisa bayangkan sakit dan perihnya ?
ia membuatmu menjerit histeris dan menangis pilu bermalam.malam saat ia pergi begitu saja meninggalkanmu dan bertingkah seolah tidak terjadi apa.apa
pernah berpikir kenapa kamu masih bisa bertahan ?
pura.pura kuat dan berkata 'aku tidak apa.apa' sambil tersenyum miris menahan tangis
siapa yang memberimu kekuatan sebesar itu ?
cinta yang memberimu kekuatan
ia mengujimu begitu berat, tapi menjadikanmu kuat
karena kalau ia tidak jahat, kamu pasti lemah dan mudah patah
jadi, berterimakasihlah padanya, yang sudah pernah jahat dan mengira kamu akan jatuh
ia salah. salah besar !
sedang labil dan galau, sekarang apa lagi ? patah hati ?
tolong ya, tau waktu.satu - satu, jangan keroyokan.
suka. sangat suka. sangat suka sekali.
cukup kah buatmu ?
bulan ini aku lagi melarat ! :@
terlalu banyak pengeluaran, sedikit pemasukan -.-
buku, lks, buber.buber, dan laper mata yang gak sembuh.sembuh*sigh
sedang dalam tahap nabung buat beli hape, yang sekarang udah rusak parah dan aku sekarang gapunya hapeee :')
maunya minta uang mamapapa, tapi sungkan, udah bolak.balik minta bulan ini, yang dipikirin ga cuma butuhku.
andai aja bisa cepet kerja dan punya uang cukup buat kebutuhanku sendiri, pasti enak.
makanya sekarang belajar yang pinter, biar jadi dokter. amin :)
apa harus mati supaya bisa dihargai dan dicintai ?
entah sudah berapa ribu langkah aku berlari, mengejarmu. namun kamu tetap tak tergapai
entah sudah berapa banyak air mata yang jatuh, menangisimu. namun kamu tak pernah peduli
dan entah sudah berapa kali aku jatuh dan tertatih, demi kamu
ya. kamu.
bodohnya, setelah sekian lama aku menyiksa diri sendiri, aku baru tau, aku baru sadar, bahwa semua air mata, penantian dan rasa sakit yang aku alami, tidak akan pernah membawamu kembali..
i dont know why, everytime i hear this song, i hear a little whisper from my mind, it say 'that's really match on you, isnt it ?'
aaa.. :'( that's really hard to say 'yes', but it waaass.. ohmy ~.~
aaa.. :'( that's really hard to say 'yes', but it waaass.. ohmy ~.~
Beauty queen of only eighteen
She had some trouble with herself
He was always there to help her
She always belonged to someone else
I drove for miles and miles
And wound up at your door
I've had you so many times but somehow
I want more
I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved
Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful
I know I tend to get so insecure
It doesn't matter anymore
It's not always rainbows and butterflies
It's compromise that moves us along, yeah
My heart is full and my door's always open
You can come anytime you want
I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
I know where you hide
Alone in your car
Know all of the things that make you who you are
I know that goodbye means nothing at all
Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls
Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful
I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
Please don't try so hard to say goodbye
Please don't try so hard to say goodbye
I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Try so hard to say goodbye
She had some trouble with herself
He was always there to help her
She always belonged to someone else
I drove for miles and miles
And wound up at your door
I've had you so many times but somehow
I want more
I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved
Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful
I know I tend to get so insecure
It doesn't matter anymore
It's not always rainbows and butterflies
It's compromise that moves us along, yeah
My heart is full and my door's always open
You can come anytime you want
I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
I know where you hide
Alone in your car
Know all of the things that make you who you are
I know that goodbye means nothing at all
Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls
Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful
I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
Please don't try so hard to say goodbye
Please don't try so hard to say goodbye
I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Try so hard to say goodbye
Label: song of the day
aku sebenernya pengen cerita pake bahasa inggris *maklum SBI hhaha.. , tapi bakal kurang asik gitu ntar.. jadi pake bahasa indonesia aja dan jadilah blog.ku ini bilingual -.-
ini cerita tentang liburang singkat sama my beloved superb besties, teman.teman kelasku. 3rd revence.
sebernya gak semua yang ikut, cuma setengah kelas, yang setengah pada gak asik siih.. yang ikut : aku, epink, iid, limpat, firdhi, erlisa, galuh, hafis, hapest, gimbul, jaka, deyma, devis, jodi, damai and of course pak kelana.
agak kecewa awalnya karena rencana yang awalnya 3hari 2malam, berubah total jadi 2hari 1malam. tapi gapapa, nikmati sajoo.. :)
kita kumpul disekolah kira-kira jam 2an, setelah mbulet.mbulet bentar kita berangkat, yang cewek sama pak kelana naik mobil damai. yang cowok naik mobil devis. di mobilnya damai lumayan longgar dan kita dihibur supirnya damai yang super sksd dan sangat sok kenal ~.~. setelah lewat jalan yang naik turun kayak roller coaster kita sampai juga di vilanya jakaa.. adeem dan pemandangannya bagus banget :). mulai rusuh lagi, mulai dari cari kamar, mandi, ngerampok cemilan, ada.ada aja gitu bahan guyon.nya.. ckckck :D
burek -.- |
sore jam 4an anak.anak pada main basket tapi pake bola sepak karena keterbatasan sarana, yang cewek.cewek pada foto.foto. terus anak cowok pada nonton bola dan yang cewek dikacangi onn, kasian. kita disuruh mandi terus mau makan malem, aku gamandi, dingin banget. habis makan kita nonton tivi, maunya nonton big bro, mirip kita katanya hhaha :) tapi, karena antena yang kurang bersahabat kita jadi males deh nonton big bro. anak.anak pada rusuh dewe.dewe, dan pada mau 'pijet kalimantan' katanya, aku gatau itu, dan dengan berani limpat menawarkan diri "aku aja yang dipijet !" dan anak cowok.cowok langsung tersenyum licik. ternyata itu mainan kejam dan tidak berperikemanusiaan. kasian limpat tapi sumpah semua ketawa sampek perut kram.. :D :D
korban pertama |
gatau kenapa jam 10an anak cowoknya pada tepar semua, sedangkan kita yang cewek.cewek masih segar bugar. akhirnya sodara.sodara kita main remi sambil makan kacang dan coret muka pake bedak, sesek meen ! sumpah ya kayak bapak.bapak di pos ronda :) dan kita kelaparan, pengen bikin popmie tapi ga ada air panas :(. kita main remi sampek jam 1an. kata gimbul 'emang dunia ini udah deket kiamat, nih buktinya, yang cowok pada pules, yang cewek.cewek main remi sambil makan kacang'. slow down mbul, that's reality face it bravely !
akhirnya kita ngantuk jugaa.. jam 3 pagi meen. tidur kayak sarden dan sempet sedikit tengkar sama limpat gara.gara dia berisik banget.
taman safari, here we come !
aku bangun jam 7an dan karena kelaparan langsung bikin popmie + kopi. :)
setelah rebutan kamar mandi, teriakan ditengah.tengah mandi, colong.colongan sandal dan segala kerusuhan di pagi itu kita sarapan juga akhirnyaa..
setelah kenyang, jam 10an kita berangkat ke Taman Safari :). liat.liat hewan kayak anak - kecil - norak imut dan ngasih makan sama rusa.rusa dll. :)
abis itu kita jalan kaki muter.muter tamansafari. anak.anak ngotot ngajak masuk rumah hantu, aku emoh mesio di kasi uang, gatau kenapa aku parno banget sama yang begituan. kita nonton temple of terror yang cukup seru dan menghibur. terus nonton lumba.lumba ditengah anak.anak tk. naik roller coaster sama limpat yang jejeritan histeris, terus naik kursi terbang yang di kasih bonus lama sama mbaknya.. :)
sore ini harus pulaang :'( . pada ga rela, tapi apa daya, kita kalah nyepik!
yaudah deh, setelah dari tamansafari, balik ke vila ambil barang.barang, terus pulaang.. :'( :'(
saking garela.nya kita sampek atur strategi.strategi licik nan jahil yang ujung.ujung.nya gajadi.
huwaaaaa, aku gamau pisah sama kelas ini, aku suaaayang kelas ini. ini the best class ever pokoknya ! bakal buanyak banget yang tak kangenin dari kelas ini, mulai dari cinta.cinta monyetnya, jahilnya, mbanyolnya, KHB, muka.muka mesum anak.anak. semuanya! aku bakal kangen semuanya !
hei, teman.teman, sahabat.sahabat.ku*entah kalian anggep aku apa. jangan lupa sama kelas kita ini ya ? kalau kita ketemu kapan.kapan jangan pada sombong ya ? tetep solid dan kompak terus ! :D
i'm gonna miss you soo guys ! :*
let me feel your heartbeat, dear
because that's the only thing that make me sure Cinderella is not the only one who got happy ending.
because that's the only thing that make me sure Cinderella is not the only one who got happy ending.
Label: quotes
day 1
i'm not going any where
stay at home with my cousin, she was so smart and very clique with me, she likes read novel and watch film, just like me.. we talk about anything and didnt run out topic :)
day 2
still rooten at hummy. but excited to prepare all things for the vacation with my beloved friends :)
day 3
head on tretes. we stay at jaka's vila. i cant sleep well that night because limpat being soo annoy :@ . learn some poker tricks from iid. eat to much snacks. sooo frezze there, i had stomach ache. we share 1 bed for 6sexy girl.
day 4
we go to Taman Safari*hellyeah :D. we had so much fun there, taking a looot of picture*i'll share some next post. when they go to 'rumah hantu', i just wait outside and also can hear their scream. but i enjoyed the roller coaster and swing chair.. :). but so sad, we had to back to malang today. :'( :'( . i hate farewell moment. but dont worry, we had another vacation plans, right ? :)
day 5
i got up at 11 am. soo tired. but i want moree.. :D. my cousin had a wedding party at sidoarjo on saturday, they want me to be the 'kembar mayang' to complete the procession. we leave home at 3 pm, reach my granny house at 7 pm. whatthehell. i just wanna lay in bed.
day 6
soo busy with that wedding party. :(
day 7
back to my homehell sweet home. my sist stay on my granny house. my house feel soo roomy :).
day 8
visited mbak nita, who had motor crash a weeks ago with mbak lucy, mbak lanty, and yosepha. we had lunch at omah malang, recommened by fr. angger, such a nice place with nice food and of course nice price too :). that place was so unique, they write the price with million ex: 10ribu (10thousand) write by 10juta (10million). lol. we continued the trip to matos, i buy 2 novel for being my dear along this holiday. 'the lovely bones' and 'sang penunggang naga' :)
day 9
Happy Isra Mi'raj for anyone who celebrate it. :).
just back to my old style holiday. just stay at home. how bored is it.. :(
day 10
congratulations for all bro and sist who has accepted on SNMPTN test.
wish me luck next year ya ! :) .
today, me and my mom on a rush to get a form of senior high school test for my cousin.
day 11
shopping day with my mom. :) . go to elizabeth store, find some accesories and belt. then, go to MOG, buy school bag, dress, and some shirt. what a great day ! thanks for everything, mom. :*
day 12
whatthehell. i had MOS meeting with my OSIS commite, 'someone' make that day feel so stressfull and we feel so intimidated. hello sir ? we've tried to do the best, can you appreciate it ?
day 13
day 14
i wanna watch movie, go to jatim park, need fresh air..
someone, please pick me up and dropped me to neverland !!
anyone ?
day 2
still rooten at hummy. but excited to prepare all things for the vacation with my beloved friends :)
day 3
head on tretes. we stay at jaka's vila. i cant sleep well that night because limpat being soo annoy :@ . learn some poker tricks from iid. eat to much snacks. sooo frezze there, i had stomach ache. we share 1 bed for 6
day 4
we go to Taman Safari*hellyeah :D. we had so much fun there, taking a looot of picture*i'll share some next post. when they go to 'rumah hantu', i just wait outside and also can hear their scream. but i enjoyed the roller coaster and swing chair.. :). but so sad, we had to back to malang today. :'( :'( . i hate farewell moment. but dont worry, we had another vacation plans, right ? :)
day 5
i got up at 11 am. soo tired. but i want moree.. :D. my cousin had a wedding party at sidoarjo on saturday, they want me to be the 'kembar mayang' to complete the procession. we leave home at 3 pm, reach my granny house at 7 pm. whatthehell. i just wanna lay in bed.
day 6
soo busy with that wedding party. :(
day 7
back to my home
day 8
visited mbak nita, who had motor crash a weeks ago with mbak lucy, mbak lanty, and yosepha. we had lunch at omah malang, recommened by fr. angger, such a nice place with nice food and of course nice price too :). that place was so unique, they write the price with million ex: 10ribu (10thousand) write by 10juta (10million). lol. we continued the trip to matos, i buy 2 novel for being my dear along this holiday. 'the lovely bones' and 'sang penunggang naga' :)
day 9
Happy Isra Mi'raj for anyone who celebrate it. :).
just back to my old style holiday. just stay at home. how bored is it.. :(
day 10
congratulations for all bro and sist who has accepted on SNMPTN test.
wish me luck next year ya ! :) .
today, me and my mom on a rush to get a form of senior high school test for my cousin.
day 11
shopping day with my mom. :) . go to elizabeth store, find some accesories and belt. then, go to MOG, buy school bag, dress, and some shirt. what a great day ! thanks for everything, mom. :*
day 12
whatthehell. i had MOS meeting with my OSIS commite, 'someone' make that day feel so stressfull and we feel so intimidated. hello sir ? we've tried to do the best, can you appreciate it ?
day 13
day 14
i wanna watch movie, go to jatim park, need fresh air..
someone, please pick me up and dropped me to neverland !!
anyone ?
It's maybe my late night post, i have watched 'letters to juliet' movie 15 mins. ago and decided to write about it. the story was soo great and touched. full of faith, love and believe of love spirit. this movie its like another version of romeo and juliet. the setting was mostly in paris, and that can supported the soul of the movie.
The fantasy starts early and back in New York, where Sophie is a fact checker for The New Yorker and is engaged to hot chef Victor. The two jet off to Verona as a pre-honeymoon, where Victor spends his time seeking out new Italian food suppliers, and Sophieis not interested in joining him on exclusive tours of boutique wineries or dairy farms. Instead Sophie moons around "Juliet's balcony" and watches women writing letters to the doomed heroine, eventually finding a 50-year-old letter written by Claire, heartbroken that she jilted the Italian man who was her one true love.
Claire came to Paris with his grandson, Charlie to find out who's replied her expired letter. Sophie was so happy can meet Claire, they both decided to find Lorenzo. But that's as not easy as they think. Charlie get upset eith his grandma's idea, but soon finds herself driving around the Italian countryside to help Charlie find Lorenzo. No one but Charlie takes the time to wonder if it's truly a good idea for an elderly woman to seek out a man she hasn't seen in 50 years, or to ask whether or not this Lorenzo. The seek aroud Siena and check all of 74 'Lorenzo'. They had a long journey and of course, Sophie and Charlie eventually start falling for each other, simply because that's what happens in this kind of movie; there's just no place for cynics in this world.
Claire came to Paris with his grandson, Charlie to find out who's replied her expired letter. Sophie was so happy can meet Claire, they both decided to find Lorenzo. But that's as not easy as they think. Charlie get upset eith his grandma's idea, but soon finds herself driving around the Italian countryside to help Charlie find Lorenzo. No one but Charlie takes the time to wonder if it's truly a good idea for an elderly woman to seek out a man she hasn't seen in 50 years, or to ask whether or not this Lorenzo. The seek aroud Siena and check all of 74 'Lorenzo'. They had a long journey and of course, Sophie and Charlie eventually start falling for each other, simply because that's what happens in this kind of movie; there's just no place for cynics in this world.
But, they were so confused with they feeling because Sophie had engaged. Finally, they both meet at Claire and Lorenzo wedding, they try to be honest to they self, that love never wrong.
I do love with some nice-romantic quotes from this movie
'I’m sorry, I didn’t know love had an expiration date.' - Sophie
'Doubt thou stars are fire
Doubt that the sun doth move
Doubt truth be a liar
But never doubt I love' - Charlie
'What’ and ‘if’ two words as non-threatening as words come. But put them together side-by-side and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life: ‘What if?’…'
the "secretary of Juliet" |
Lorenzo & Claire 'second chance love' |
love never get wrong |
last, you must see it. :)
Label: movie
kala pikiran dan ucapan tak lagi sehati
semua pergi dan tak mau peduli
hari-hari penuh dengan tangis menyayat hati
siapa lagi yang mengerti hati ?
rasanya mau mati
kala semua cita berubah jadi ilusi
dan elegi terjadi lagi
dan elegi terjadi lagi
Label: nyampah
kamu lihat aku ?
tidak ?
kalau memang tidak tak apa, mungkin memang lebih baik kamu tak usah lihat aku.
tidak ?
kalau memang tidak tak apa, mungkin memang lebih baik kamu tak usah lihat aku.
kamu dengar aku ?
tidak ?
kalau memang tidak tak apa, mungkin memang lebih baik kamu tak usah dengar aku.
tidak ?
kalau memang tidak tak apa, mungkin memang lebih baik kamu tak usah dengar aku.
kamu ingat aku ?
tidak ?
kalau memang tidak tak apa, mungkin memang lebih baik kamu tak usah ingat aku.
tidak ?
kalau memang tidak tak apa, mungkin memang lebih baik kamu tak usah ingat aku.
Label: broken vow, uneg.uneg
dear sunday,
i feel so blue today
no one listen to me anyway
i just feel like throwed away
Dear Justin Bieber, I'll never say never, because I knew that I found somebody to love that one time I met you. Oh baby, I'll never let you go,in my world, because when you smile, I smile.
Label: quotes
lazy song - bruno mars
'cause today i swear i'm not doing anything' :)
what the hell - avril lavigne
'you're on your knees, beggin' please "stay with me". i'm thinking what the hell'
price tag - jessie j.
'why is everybody so serious ? acting so damn mysterious ?'
Label: :D, song of the day
this week was sooo terrific, i had a final exam for my 2nd grade. that can be a good one and bad one. good, because i will go to 3rd grade, leave my senior high as soon as possible, and being an college student *yippie :D . bad, because. im soo afraid of national exam, i absolutely believe that i can do that test, but who knows the result ? i do hope for we-who-face-national exam-next year can get the best result. amiinn.
this week was sooo terrific, i had a final exam for my 2nd grade. that can be a good one and bad one. good, because i will go to 3rd grade, leave my senior high as soon as possible, and being an college student *yippie :D . bad, because. im soo afraid of national exam, i absolutely believe that i can do that test, but who knows the result ? i do hope for we-who-face-national exam-next year can get the best result. amiinn.
today is the 3rd day. i had chemistry and japanese test. the questions make me wanna cry.. -.- . especially the japanese. i dont understand ANYTHING that wrote in HIRAGANA and KATAKANA. *sorry sensei. when the speaker said "15minutes left to finish the test". i didnt blacken anything on my answer sheet. i just can wait message from my hero YUSY(she's great girl). and thanks god, my teacher was great today. he dont walk around the class. he was busy with his laptop. :*
5 days remaining. i must study. but im tired. im bored.
uas. please. go away. ASAP.22mei2010,
'kamu d mana ? aku jaga stand sama temen.temenku'
'aku lg sama anak-anak paspel, d dpan museum. lg temenku gaketemu.ketemu -.-'
'jauh amat, aku d dket pahlawan trip ini.. yang sabar ya nyarinya tante.. :)'
'iya.. makasi ya :)'
'udah d rumah ? aku barusan pulang ini. capeek -.-'
'udah dari jam 9an td kok.. :)'
'jd ketemu temenmu ?'
'gajadi.. padahal udah lama pengen ketemuu :('
'sabar yaa.., maav tadi gabisa bareng kalian :)'
'halah gapapa, td juga pada mencar.mencar semua..'
'gini wes, taun depan k mtd.nya sama.sama ya ? :)'
'hhaha.. boleh.boleh :D'
'oke deh, siip :D'
Label: nyampah
when i take a deep breathe, i can smell you
when i keep on silence, i can hear your voice
when i close my eyes, i saw you
when i sleep, i'll dreaming about you
Label: quotes
kamu semu
bukan putih
bukan abu.abu
apalagi hitam
semu itu kamu
setelah semu pasti jadi pudar,
Label: nyampah
Corinthians 13:4-7
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Label: quotes
pelangi pelangi
alangkah indahmu
merah kuning hijau
di langit yang biru
pelukismu agung
siapa gerangan ?
pelangi - pelangi
ciptaan Tuhan
jangan cuma jadi pelangi, yang sebentar saja memberi warna dan kesenangan tapi kemudian hilang tak berbekas.
jangan seperti pelangi yang cuma datang setelah hujan, saat hari cerah tak pernah muncul.
apakah harus nunggu hujan baru datang ?
Label: broken vow, nyampah, uneg.uneg
karena lelah denger mama cuap.cuap
"rambutmu kepanjangen kak"
"rambutmu kepanjangen kak"
"tuh kan rontok semua"
"sumuk mama liat.e"
"potongen ae wes, biar ringkes"
aku masih eman maaa.. -.-
aku masih eman maaa.. -.-
mekso.e talah
tapi apa daya di seret ajak juga ke salon diiket di kursi biar gak kabur
si mama pengen kriting gantung *apalah namanya
and tadaaa..
gini jadinya..
untung pas di salon gak nangis ta pungutin lagi rambutku itu *lebay..
hhaha :D
and tadaaa..
gini jadinya..
untung pas di salon gak nangis ta pungutin lagi rambutku itu *lebay..
hhaha :D
before |
after |
itu pendeekk..
sangat pendek.. -.-
sangat pendek.. -.-
tapi enak se, kepala jadi enteng :D
how do it looks ?
dan mama adalah orang pertama yang ngeyel bilang kalo itu BAGUS !
ok, as you wish mom..
ok, as you wish mom..
I know you're somewhere out there
Somewhere far away
I want you back
I want you back
My neighbors think
I'm crazy
But they don't understand
You're all I have
You're all I have
At night when the stars
light up my room
I sit by myself
Talking to the Moon
Trying to get to You
In hopes you're on
the other side
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon
I'm feeling like I'm famous
The talk of the town
They say
I've gone mad
I've gone mad
But they don't know
what I know
Cause when the
sun goes down
someone's talking back
They're talking back
At night when the stars
light up my room
I sit by myself
Talking to the Moon
Trying to get to You
In hopes you're on
the other side
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon
Do you ever hear me calling?
Cause every night
I'm talking to the moon
Still trying to get to you
In hopes you're on
the other side
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon
I know you're somewhere out there
Somewhere far away
PS: love this song so much, wondering if he knows that this song is for him
hope so. :')
Label: song of the day
Semangat kamu besar sekali dalam mengejar sesuatu yang diinginkan.
Kenapa? Seperti tak ada kata menyerah.
Kenapa? Seperti tak ada kata menyerah.
Tapi kamu sangat ngemong dan peduli pada masalah orang lain.
Di luar itu, kamu sangat seksi, bergairah, setia dan penuh semangat dalam membina hubungan meski kadang posesif dan pencemburu.
Di luar itu, kamu sangat seksi, bergairah, setia dan penuh semangat dalam membina hubungan meski kadang posesif dan pencemburu.
Kamu terdorong oleh hal hal eksentrik dan tak biasa, bebas dan terbuka.
Untuk yang terakhir ini waspadalah.
Label: :D
There’s this boy, the one and only wonder of this world. And it don’t matter if the road gets rough if me rich or poor. He stay down with me if me go to war. Love you cause you are, every single star. In the constellation, that’s enlightening my heart. Special gift from Jah, wherever you are. Boy you got more presence than a hundred santa clauses, And I know we’ll stand together when the world falls down. And I know that our forever’s gonna start right now. There’s this boy, the one and only wonder of this world. And it don’t matter if the road gets rough if me rich or poor. He stay down with me if me go to war. There’s this boy, the one and only wonder of this world. And it don’t matter if the road gets rough if me rich or poor. He stay down with me till we in the floor. These are hardest times, love’s so hard to find. Blessed is the girl who has a boy at his side. This for you I write, never do me wrong. If you’re ever missing me just listen to this song. And you know we lay together when the sun goes down. And I know still be together when it comes back ’round. Boy give me everything I need. He’s there every time I call upon her, ya know? My boy, it’s YOU…
Label: song of the day
kedengarnya gampang ya ?
tapi kita sering lupa tentang satu hal ini..
pernahkah kita..
bersyukur karena pagi ini masih bisa menghirup udara pagi
bersyukur karena hari ini masih bisa sarapan,
padahal banyak anak di luar sana yang gabisa makan
bersyukur karena hari ini masih bisa pake baju dan sepatu yang layak buat sekolah,
padahal di luar sana banyak yang seragamnya compang.camping dan pake sandal ke sekolah
bersyukur berangkat sekolah naik kendaraan,
padahal banyak yang sekolah harus jalan 10km dan berangkat pagi.pagi buta
bersyukur karena buku.buku lengkap,
padahal banyak yang sekolah pake 1 buku buat 8 mata pelajaran
bersyukur karena masih punya uang jajan,
padahal banyak yang rela ga dikasih uang jajan biar bisa bayar uang sekolah
bersyukur karena masih bisa jalan jalan pas liburan,
padahal banyak yang kerja pas liburan biar tetep bisa sekolah taun berikut.nya
dan masih sangat banyak hal yang harus kita syukuri dalam hidup..
kata papa, " banyak bersyukur itu bikin hidup terasa lebih nikmat.. "
jumat, 4 april 2011
entah ada angin ribut ato angin apalaah.. :D
saya dihasut ajak sama mbok iid. bundo galuh dan limpat ke wss
saya di
berhubung tak bawa uang lebih, bundo merentenir.i saya.. *hhaha
kita berempat bingung dan cuma punya satu pertanyaan
"buka.e jam brapa?"
"buka.e jam brapa?"
seinget.ku jam 12 se..
berhubung sudah jam 12 lewat, kita cabut wae dengan pedenyaa..
berhubung sudah jam 12 lewat, kita cabut wae dengan pedenyaa..
naik angkot..
ngeeeeng.. ngeeeeng..
kiri paak..
ciiit *paksupir.e ngerem
ngeeeeng.. ngeeeeng..
kiri paak..
ciiit *paksupir.e ngerem
dan pas turun,
jeng.jeng jeng....
jeng.jeng jeng....
kita langsung hopeless sodara.sodara...
kenapa ?
yap! anda benar!
wth ?
akhirnya kita nongkrong d samping pos polisi
ngobrol ngalor.ngidul...
jaaann guejee..
4 gadis manis autis, nongkrong d pinggir jalan *berdiri lebih tepatnya. -.-
kenapa ?
yap! anda benar!
wth ?
akhirnya kita nongkrong d samping pos polisi
ngobrol ngalor.ngidul...
jaaann guejee..
4 gadis
kita jadi saksi mata beberapa kejadian..
ibu.ibu d tilang, bapak.bapak yang oleng karep.e dewe, saling curhat soal pengalaman ketilang, sampe ndenger crita.e limpat ttg polisi ganteng tapi playboy -.-
ibu.ibu d tilang, bapak.bapak yang oleng karep.e dewe, saling curhat soal pengalaman ketilang, sampe ndenger crita.e limpat ttg polisi ganteng tapi playboy -.-
akhirnya jam 1 jugaa..
kita capcus masuk. duduk. mesen. makan.
akhirnya jam 1 jugaa..
kita capcus masuk. duduk. mesen. makan.
sangat kelaparan dan dehidrasi -.-
tak lupa :D
menyenangkan kok reekk..
kapan.kapan lagi yook...
kita ke PH ?
#nb: jadwal buka wss : senin- kamis jam 12, jumat-sabtu jam 1..
biar anda.anda tak kecele seperti kami.. :D
kapan.kapan lagi yook...
kita ke PH ?
#nb: jadwal buka wss : senin- kamis jam 12, jumat-sabtu jam 1..
biar anda.anda tak kecele seperti kami.. :D
Label: happy day, jalanmakan
Mengapa waktu
Tak pernah berpihak kepadaku
Apakah aku terlalu
Terlalu banyak berkelana
Tak pernah berpihak kepadaku
Apakah aku terlalu
Terlalu banyak berkelana
Mengapa kita
masih saja tak pernah bersatu
Selalu saja bertemu bertemu saat
Kau milik yang lain
masih saja tak pernah bersatu
Selalu saja bertemu bertemu saat
Kau milik yang lain
Mungkin kau bukanlah jodohku
Bukan takdirku
Bukan takdirku
Terus terang ...
Aku merindukanmu
Setengah mati merindu
Tiada henti merindukanmu
Masih hatiku untukmu
Aku tetap menunggumu
Setengah mati merindu
Tiada henti merindukanmu
Masih hatiku untukmu
Aku tetap menunggumu
Aku tetap menunggumu
Aku tetap menunggumu
setengah mati merindu - judika
Label: song of the day
ini kebetulan atau apa ?
ini kejadian tadi sore pas aku iseng,iseng mainan hape. aku inget waktu dulu suka mainan "harus dikirim" sama mbak.ku. mainanya simpel tapi medenii *hhaha.. caranya, ketiklah sebaris kalimat di sms, terserah, boleh 'i love you', 'sayang' ato 'damn' juga boleh. pokoknya terseraahh, terus pilih nama d phone book, tp mencet kursornya sambil merem, jadi kita gatau buat sapa sms itu harus dikirim.. nah td aku ngetik, 'sayang, lagi apa?' *-.- sangat tak terduga bukaan ?? . terus pas di phone book, kan merem, aku pencen ke ataaaaas, ke bawaaaaah, ke atas lagi, ke bawah lagi *ruwet kan sodara.sodaraa ?? daan kamu tau berhenti di sapa ? yaap ! benar sekali! ta kira salah liat, ternyata enggak! dan emang bener.bener itu.. oh gosh.. kebetulan paling ya ? iya. kebetulan kok. tapi rasanya jadi aneh kalo kebetulanya kayak gituuu. pengen nangis..
sumpah, jadi kangen lagi sama kamuuu..
playground. tempat main.main *bener kan ? kamu yg bikin aku serasa d dalam.nya. serasa naik prosotan, awal.nya tapi kalo udah turun pingin naik lagi. serasa naik ayunan, awal.nya takut buat mengayun keras, tapi jadi penasaran gimana rasanya mengayun menerpa angin. pas udah bosen, kita, dan gatau kenapa aku bisa kesandung. jatuh. tapi kamu ga aku, kamu malah terus lari ninggalin aku dan nyari temen main baru. bahkan nengok ke belakang aja nggak .., gapeduli aku yg kesakitan. perih. dan bodoh.ny aku baru sadar kalau kita emang cuma lagi main.main .. :'(
aku marah buat apa ?
toh udah percuma
toh udah percuma
kamu udah punya dia
aku sering mikir
aku salah apa ?
aku pernah nyakitin kamu ta ?
aku salah apa ?
aku pernah nyakitin kamu ta ?
seinget.ku enggak
aku malah pengen bikin kamu seneng terus,
tapi maav kalau cara.ku salah
aku cuma bisa diem
aku cuma bisa mikir
aku cuma bisa nangis
apa kamu pernah mikir yang ta pikir ?
kamu pernah ngerasa ga AKU SUKA KAMU ?
nggak ya ? -.-
nggak ya ? -.-
maav karena aku udah terlajur suka kamu
maav karena sampai detik ini aku masih amat sangat sayang kamu
maav karena sampai detik ini aku garela dan nyesek liat kamu sama dia
maav karena semua perasaan ini tak kunjung pergi
tau nggak aku nunggu kamu 8 bulan itu ?
tapi kenyataanya kamu malah pergi buat yang lain
ninggal aku.
dan kalau ternyata suatu saat nanti,
entah kapan
kamu kembali untuk.ku, kau sudah tau jawabannya ...
Label: uneg.uneg
terlambat ya ?
aku terlambat sadar
aku terlambat bilang
sekarang aku kamu tinggal
kata teman teman : "cowok masi banyak"
enak ya bilang gitu
coba kamu jadi aku
sangat sakit rasanya
jangan tanya sedalam apa aku sayang kamu
karena susah banget cari jawabannya
dari dulu aku udah tau hasilnya akan begini kalau aku terlambat
tapi aku gapernah belajar dari yang lalu
dan kecewa jadi satu.satunya yang menyelimutiku
aku bingung harus ngapain.
nangis ?
sayangnya tangisanku tak membawamu kembali
senyum ?
aku bukan orang yang pandai menyembunyikan perasaan
setidaknya sebelum kamu benar.benar berlalu dan hilang
aku minta tolong
kasi tau aku
karna memBENCImu adalah hal yang paling kuBENCI
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